L&G Longley Place, Brighton (York & Elder) is a Build to Rent scheme delivered by Legal & General, comprising 209 units ranging from 8 to 17 storeys. The scheme is due to complete in April 2023 and will be operated by Legal and General.
As one of the first Build to Rent schemes in the Brighton & Hove area, the scheme delivers a high quality residential offering alongside residential amenities for residents, including a gym, cinema room, internal communal collaboration spaces and landscaped roof terraces. These communal spaces are the fundamental element to the scheme, contributing to the transition from an industrial area to a thriving mixed-use development.
The scheme includes pre-manufactured bathroom pods, utility cupboards and bolt-on-balconies which improved the on site fit-out duration with a focus on quality finishes, the scheme achieves a pre-manufactured value score of 47.4%.
Planning was originally consented in 2019, a section 73 application was agreed in 2021 to increase the number of units within the building outline of the existing planning consent. During the stage 3 design process, the design team, in consultation with Cast and the Main Contractor, rationalised the typical floor to floor height and maximised the efficiency of the horizontal superstructure elements. This enabled an additional 8No. units to be added to the scheme, adding considerable value to the Client. The site also includes a number of dedicated residential units reserved specifically for local key workers at a discount market rent.
Construction started on site in 2020 with the demolition of an existing three storey commercial unit, the change in levels across the site required a complex programme of demolition, excavation and installation of ground anchors to stabilise an adjacent retaining wall prior to the main works commencing on site. Works have progressed on programme over the past 142 weeks and the completed building is on programme to be handed over to Legal & General at the end of April 2023.
Following the completion of the 3,101sqm Cat A office works during Q1 2023, an office operator will be appointed to deliver customised private offices and flexible coworking spaces across the ground and mid-ground levels, activating the frontage facing onto New England Street.